Taj Mahal Restaurant and Sweets Shop

タージ・レストランの外観は、伝統的なインド建築とモダンな日本の美学が融合した魅力的なものだ。 複雑な彫刻が施された木製の扉を開けると、豊かなタペストリー、華麗なランタン、インドのお祭りや風景を描いた鮮やかな絵画で飾られた、温かく心地よいインテリアが広がります。 柔らかな照明がくつろぎと安らぎの空間を演出し、思い出に残るお食事をお楽しみいただけます。

These are the experienced chefs of our restaurant.

Our Chefs

経験豊かなシェフたちが、本場インドの味をお客様にお届けすることに情熱を注いでいます。 お客様にお届けすることに情熱を注いでいます。当店のおいしい料理を支える人たちをご紹介します。

Chef Haresh Panth

Chef Haresh Panth is an expert in South Indian cuisine and is famous for her crispy dosas and fluffy idlis. With over 15 years of experience.

Chef Mahaveer Singh Panwar

Chef Mahaveer specializes in North Indian cuisine and is known for his flavorful curries.

Chef Umeed Singh

Chef Umeed Singh has a passion for creating delicious vegan and vegetarian dishes that are both healthy and flavorful.

Chef Chhetri Yam

Chef Chhetri Yam is our resident South Indian food expert known for his perfectly cooked South Indian food.

Chef Rasul Khan

Chef Rasul is our resident tandoori expert known for his perfectly cooked meats and freshly baked bread from the clay oven.

Chef Samim Khan

Chef Samim is our Indian Sweets expert and he is also known for his non vegetarian food.